
The Modernist Podcast was a discussion of art, literature and culture in the early twentieth century that provided academics with a platform to share their research with the wider community. From 2016-2020, we brought critical debates beyond the bindings of the journal and out from within the walls of the conference, into the airwaves and across digital media. We believe that this was a great way for scholars to have their voices heard in a thought provoking and fresh format that is accessible to a diverse audience.

Our episodes are proudly international, with panelists from across the UK, the USA, Japan, Canada, Australia and beyond. The podcast was committed to a broad discussion of modernism, located throughout the globe, spanning the late 19th century to new modernism(s) and encompassing forms as diverse as poetry, music, prose, newspapers, dance, painting, drama, photography, radio, sculpture and film. We invested in a dialogue that considers high modernism alongside non-fiction and the middlebrow, Bloomsbury with rural England, Harlem with Berlin, the Americas with the Middle East.

We can be found on Soundcloud and iTunes. Our host is Séan Richardson, a former PhD student at Nottingham Trent University.